The random sentence test

When you’re deciding whether to buy a book, is it your habit to pick it up and read the opening line?

I’ve never done that. I’ve always applied what I call the “random sentence test.” I let the book fall open to any page and light upon a – yes – random sentence. If I like the sound of it, I’ll look further. If it’s kinda – meh – back on the shelf. So it was kind of a kick to get this post from Book Baby. Read on:

Open a book you love to a random page and read one isolated sentence. Can you hear the author’s voice? Does it evoke an emotion? Does it draw you in? Now open your own work. How does it fare?

There are so many things that go into writing an enjoyable book. Chief among them is the ability to make stellar word choices and form beautiful sentences.

Much has been written about sentences. Lists of favorite sentences abound, including the longest and shortest, with opening and closing lines getting special attention. But in a great book, every sentence carries its own weight. Each is a stepping stone on a wondrous path.

The overarching factor that contributes to good sentences is the writer’s voice. Great writing flows from voice. A strong voice means every word is well-considered. Logic flows. You’ll find no unnecessary extras and the content is interesting. While it’s hard to achieve, it’s easy to recognize when a book isn’t there yet.

The isolated sentence test