December 10, 2021

meta  adjective \ ˈme-tə  \ Definition of meta – 1informal : showing or suggesting an explicit awareness of itself or oneself as a member of its category : cleverly self-referential Point of view is instinctive in storytelling, so embedded in the subconscious that it hardly has to be explained. Children get it: you’re telling a story that’s happening to you. Where’s the…

December 29, 2020

I’m such a geek when it comes to story structure – not that I attempt to follow any particular guidelines while I’m in the spewing stage. But after the first draft I find it interesting to delve into the manuscript with an eye to structuring it in some time-honored fashion. So many craft essays and…

August 2, 2018

If ROI is judged solely on ‘did I take in more than I laid out’—this would indeed have been a bust. The Goodreads Giveaways, which used to be free, are now pay-to-play; however, authors can offer Kindle e-books, which wasn’t previously the case. With their no-cost fulfillment, the outlay to run a paid, 100 e-book…

May 4, 2018

When you’re deciding whether to buy a book, is it your habit to pick it up and read the opening line? I’ve never done that. I’ve always applied what I call the “random sentence test.” I let the book fall open to any page and light upon a – yes – random sentence. If I…

March 20, 2018

When does it make sense to turn down dinero? As my launch promo approached I wrestled this question mightily, to the point that my husband, a big data analyst, told me I was overthinking and he does that for a living. Ultimately my Internal Editor made the decision, the same one that compelled me to travel around…