November 11, 2020

I love lists, especially this one: the Bill of Rights. I remember studying for something generations of American 8th graders have learned to dread; the Constitution Test. The Titles, the Articles, all that was pretty dry but the Bill of Rights was a list I could memorize. I loved the lofty language, the sentiments expressed…

April 23, 2018

Ever sit through an annual association meeting desperate to be somewhere—anywhere else? Me too. The newspaper industry hosted a yearly array of events, deadly boring, all dedicated to wringing the last shred of profitability from our dear doomed dinosaur of an industry, attended by middle-aged male WASPs in shiny suits and a small percentage of their female…

March 8, 2018

Independent authors agonizing over where and how and when to launch have one key question to resolve: what role does Amazon play? Whether you choose to embrace the model or like me, simply stumbled into it, how your book fares in Kindledom trickles down through all those other avenues we are wont to vend. Does it work? For me the jury’s…

April 21, 2016

Last weekend at the University of Wisconsin Writer’s Institute – an excellent conference I regularly attend – one of the presenters stood before hundreds of both published and aspiring authors and proclaimed “The E-book is dying.” The audience burst into applause, drowning out a loud “AS IF!” from this reporter – someone who devoted most…