July 8, 2019

If you’ve ever sat before a computer screen moaning ‘What did I just do right?’ in despair you’ll understand: you’ve been deep in the wormhole with some software that won’t behave when suddenly a random keystroke makes everything work again and you don’t know why. And so it is with Amazon advertising. Just when indie…

August 2, 2018

If ROI is judged solely on ‘did I take in more than I laid out’—this would indeed have been a bust. The Goodreads Giveaways, which used to be free, are now pay-to-play; however, authors can offer Kindle e-books, which wasn’t previously the case. With their no-cost fulfillment, the outlay to run a paid, 100 e-book…

May 22, 2018

So you enter your book in a contest because–well, you know. You love winning. Raffles are OK but contests of skill, way better. There are numerous categories and you gravitate to one of the broadest and most competitive because–well, you know. It’s more fun to beat lots of people than just one or two. You…

March 20, 2018

When does it make sense to turn down dinero? As my launch promo approached I wrestled this question mightily, to the point that my husband, a big data analyst, told me I was overthinking and he does that for a living. Ultimately my Internal Editor made the decision, the same one that compelled me to travel around…

March 8, 2018

Independent authors agonizing over where and how and when to launch have one key question to resolve: what role does Amazon play? Whether you choose to embrace the model or like me, simply stumbled into it, how your book fares in Kindledom trickles down through all those other avenues we are wont to vend. Does it work? For me the jury’s…

April 1, 2017

Have to admit I had a What Hath God Wrought moment when I found this in my inbox. Now we can create and place ad campaigns, then get immediate viewer metrics with a few clicks. The video is easy to follow and kinda cute…watch for the hand swiping a power bar off the presenter’s desk while he’s…